A Walk to End Alzheimer’s.

A Walk to End Alzheimer’s.

Resthaven is a long-time supporter of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Holland and was excited to support the walk this year on September 21. Thank you to all who came out to join us. In addition to sponsoring and participating in the walk, Resthaven helps by running...
Dear Friends of Resthaven.

Dear Friends of Resthaven.

Gifts come in all different forms, but they always come from the heart and we greatly appreciate that. Vicki Brink’s mom was a beautician all her life and how her hair was styled was important to her. When she went to live at Maple Woods, she wanted to have her hair...
Grant will help with renovations.

Grant will help with renovations.

Resthaven received a planning grant for $12,000 from the Holland/ Zeeland Community Foundation. The grant will allow Resthaven to develop a plan to prioritize recommended facility improvements at The Warm Friend, Resthaven’s historic apartment-style, independent...
Table Time.

Table Time.

Rev. Leigh Boelkins Van Kempen “While they were eating, he took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it and gave it to them…then he took a cup and after giving thanks he gave it to them…” (Mark 14: 22, 23) Summertime in West Michigan gives us an opportunity...
Atrio Outpatient Therapy.

Atrio Outpatient Therapy.

Through the stewardship of a generous estate gift, Atrio will now be able to expand their outpatient therapy at Maple Woods and the Warm Friend by purchasing exercise equipment. Atrio had already identified a need to expand outpatient therapy within Resthaven, but...