Through the stewardship of a generous estate gift, Atrio will now be able to expand their outpatient therapy at Maple Woods and the Warm Friend by purchasing exercise equipment. Atrio had already identified a need to expand outpatient therapy within Resthaven, but lacked the up-front funds to buy the needed exercise equipment.
“We say it is providential,” Atrio Administrator Kelly Wierenga said. “This gift has been amazing for us and came at just the right time.”
Atrio recently expanded their outpatient program in Grand Rapids and saw huge success, finding it to be a wonderful service to residents. Some residents need services but don’t fit the home-bound requirements, and this investment will help Atrio have a further reach. Common outpatient needs for older adults are balance and gait, prevention of falls, back pain, and joint and orthepedic care.
“The residents can use the equpiment that we use in therapy at home because of this donation,” said Casey Lauf, Therapy Team Leader at Atrio. “To be able to get therapy on the equipment you are going to use at home eliminates the intimidation factor. This makes for an easier transition out of therapy as they still have access to the same equipment in the same place they live.”
It also provides a social aspect to therapy because residents will use the equipment in the place where many of their friends live and can exercise together. The equipment purchased for The Warm Friend and Maple Woods will live there and will be accessible at all times to all residents, not just those actively in therapy.
Warm Friend Director Susan DeJong said, “The equipment will be here for the residents to use whenever. Residents don’t have to leave their home for therapy. We really value wellness and a dedicated space with exercise equipment will help make exercise a part of everyday life for our residents.”
Resthaven partnered with Holland Home and Clark to create Atrio. Atrio is the home care arm of each organization’s mission and by combining resources we are able to be more effective. If you have any question about the outpatient program or home services, Atrio is happy to answer. You can give them a call at (616) 796-3800.