Simple Treasures.

by | December 13, 2019

Rev. Leigh Boelkins Van Kempen

…and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him.  Then opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.”  (Matthew 2: 11)

Our family was blessed with twins just two months ago.  And of the many things our children needed to be able to care for their precious babies, gold, frankincense and myrrh were not on the list!  Diapers, a second crib, a second car seat, a second freezer for storing breast   milk—these were the things they needed.  They were fairly simple, rather than costly treasures, but they were necessary.

The story of the Wise Men bringing gifts to the baby Jesus is a familiar part of our Christmas narrative.  It is from this account that we developed our own traditions of gift-giving at Christmastime.  These extravagant gifts had significance within the nativity story.  The presents we give don’t need to be as elaborate.  The gifts we give can be simple treasures, but treasures none-the-less.

Within this newsletter, you’ll read accounts of residents assisting one another, of donors supporting the mission of Resthaven, of the pleasures of sharing a book discussion together.  None of these are priceless treasures, but instead modest gifts that can make a difference in someone else’s life.

What simple treasures might you offer this year?  Perhaps it is spending time with an elderly friend or family member.  Perhaps it is volunteering for a special event at your church.  Perhaps it is bringing groceries to a food drive.  Perhaps it is responding to the year-end appeal of one of your favorite organizations.  These unassuming gifts have as much value as gold and frankincense and myrrh to the people who receive them.  Maybe simple treasures can be at the top of your Christmas list this year!