To glorify God by providing a continuum of quality care and services that demonstrates the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.
Grants to Support our Mission
Resthaven applied for and has received several grants to help us live out our mission during COVID-19 A grant from the Emergency Human Services Fund provided support for emergency needs related to COVID-19. We were granted $5,000 to support technology needs, including...
New Beginnings: Update from The President
Although 2020 was a challenging year with a global pandemic, nationwide protests over racial injustice, and a contentious presidential election, I am grateful that here at Resthaven our differences have not divided us. In a year...
Hope and Yearning.
Written by Rev. Leigh Boelkins Van Kempen “My soul yearns for you in the night; my spirit within me earnestly seeks you.” (Isaiah 26: 9a) This past Sunday the Christian church began observing the season of Advent—a time of waiting and watching for the coming of Jesus....
Technology for Connection.
We know how hard it has been to not see family members, go shopping, fellowship over a meal, go to activities, or gather for chapel. We have worked hard to maintain relationships with those outside our campus. With the visitor and group restrictions, Resthaven has...
Message from the President/CEO This year has not gone how we planned. I thought that at the end of 2020 I would be recapping the 75th anniversary celebration we had planned. I thought we would be talking about the events we held that built excitement around our new...
Health screening and new sign in procedures have been a primary method nursing homes have used to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Resthaven recently invested in a technology system called Accushield to help with this process. This program will also serve Resthaven...
Patio Visits.
Patio visits have been a key way to stay connected during the visitor restrictions due to COVID-19 when we are able. These outdoor visits allow space for fellowship while protecting residents from the pandemic.Resthaven will do all we can to support safe visits and...
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